
Sunday, September 12, 2010

Simon Britto as the President of SAFE

On September 10, the General Body of SAFE was held at Janajagrthybhavan, Punnapra North.

The Objectives and Rules and Regulations of SAFE were discussed and finalized in the meeting.

It was decided to register SAFE.

Simon Britto MLA was elected as the President.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Objectives of SAFE.

To ascertain the well-being of our country, we are to be true to the secular nature of our Indian constitution. To protect secularism is the prime duty of every citizen. The birth of each child,male or female, is totally secular and human. But the religious practices and customs and beliefs of the parents are slowly inculcated into him or her and is conditioned as a religious believer. Here the fundamental right of each person to be human and secular is unpardonably violated for no reason whatsoever. To be true to life, to nature and to cosmos, we are to hold on to the secular nature all throughout our life, just like our secular birth. It is our life-duty to protect this basic right. Upholding this secular nature all through our life is the basic objective of Secular Activists' Forum for Equality (SAFE).

Objectives in Detail

The objectives can be enumerated as follows:
  • To take every step to ensure the secular nature of Indian Constitution in its full sense in all the different aspects of life and society.
  • Not to take any step to promote communal ism nor fundamentalism nor religious terrorism in any field.
  • To take every step to create awareness for secularism and against all kinds of fundamentalism and communal ism among all the sectors of the society.
  • To promote secular forms of symbols for different stages of life of each person as naming, marriage, death, burial, etc.
  • To promote all forms of secular art and music.
  • To take every step to protect and promote the basic right of every Indian citizen for secular burial according to his/her individual free decision.
  • To take every step to promote secular, dowry-free, extravagance-free, gold-free marriages where man and woman are seen equal as marriage according to Special marriage Act, cohabitation of responsible individuals,etc.
  • To take every step to create, promote and co-ordinate any number of sanghams and movements which stand for promoting the secular nature of Indian Constitution.
  • Seeing dowry as a social evil, to take every step to fight against dowry system and to promote respnsible man-woman relationship, where equality and mutual respect is stressed, for the creation of a new society where everybody id respected and accepted as he  or she is.
  • To take every step to highlight issues of women, irrespective of caste,creed, colour or language, who are harassed and violated in manifold ways and to extend necessary assistance as legal,political, social, habitational,etc. as needed.
  • To take every step to usethe print media and publish new papers, magazines, leaflets, books,etc. and use the different audio-visual media and it nedia for the dissemination of the above-said objectives.
  • To take every step to open tie-ups and collaborations with local, regional,national and even international agencies and movements promoting secular way of life.